Monthly Archives: March 2024

3 posts

Change in the management of the Fortified Churches Foundation

Philipp Harfmann – Managing Director of the Fortified Churches Foundation for many years – has given up his position and will hand over his duties to a successor in order to take on new tasks in the future. He took over the management of the foundation when it was established […]

Fortified churches meet fortified churches

Anyone who studies the topic of fortified churches will quickly learn that they also exist outside Transylvania. Some can be found in Germany, Austria and France, for example. Even in the Philippines, fortified churches were built at the instigation of the Spanish colonial rulers in the 16th and 17th centuries. […]

Digital round table to celebrate thirty years

People from five different countries took part in an interersting exchange between UNESCO cultural heritage sites from two continents on 7 March 2024. The event was organized to mark the thirtieth anniversary of the inscription of several monuments on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Transylvania’s landscape of fortified churches was […]