Monthly Archives: January 2019

3 posts

Fortified Churches Foundation receives support from Hessen

The Fortified Churches Foundation is also dependent on donations to secure its long-term work, i.e. on donations to expand its capital stock. From Wiesbaden came now energetic support for it. When Michael Sauter visited Transylvania in May 2018, this was not only an educational and recreational trip for him, but […]

Support Association to the Fortified Churches Foundation

On 19 January the annual general meeting of the German Support Association of the Fortified Churches Foundation took place in Berlin. The Executive Board reported on its work in 2018, which was primarily aimed at supporting the work of the Foundation, but also included accompanying activities in Germany. Donations received […]

Focus >> Holzmengen

The church castle takes the floor Ladies and gentlemen, dear fellow castles, I must tell you that it is already a curious thing what one experiences as a church castle: For centuries one stands around in world history, and all sorts of strange guests pay a visit to one. I […]