Yearly Archives: 2020

8 posts

Call for donations – Fortified Church in Alțâna

After the collapse of the vault above the central nave of the fortified church of Alzen the first inventories have begun. The impressions are sad and shocking, but the situation is by no means hopeless. We would like to ask for donations to finance the repairs of the damage caused […]

Securing work in Ruși completed

For the team of the Fortified Churches Foundation, “Corona-times” do not mean a standstill at all: construction work was on the schedule in the past months. In the parish of Ruși (church district of Sibiu), important safety and repair work was carried out in the period from May to August […]

Panel discussion on the future of fortified churches

A panel discussion on the future prospects of the Transylvanian Saxon fortified churches took place on 11 February at the Romanian Embassy in Berlin. The occasion was the conclusion of a project to examine particularly endangered buildings, which was funded from Germany between 2017 and 2019. Afterwards Ambassador Hurezeanu gave […]

Parteneriat cu Asociația European Heritage Volunteers

Pe 11 februarie 2020, Fundația Biserici Fortificate împreună cu Biserica Evanghelică C.A. din România a încheiat un parteneriat de colaborare cu organizația non-guvernamentală European HeritageVolunteers. Documentul a fost semnat la Ambasada României de la Berlin în prezența Excelenței Sale, Ambasadorului României, domnul Emil Hurezeanu. Scopurile comune ale parteneriatului sunt, pe […]

Roof of the church in Daia saved

The church building including the fortification and bell tower in Daia (church district of Sighisoara) has been the focus of the Fortified Churches Foundation for many years. With the support of the “Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation” (AFCP) several important measures have already been taken. Most recently, the roof of […]