The old church of Teaca stood on a terrace north of the market place, where the cemetery is located. Today’s church is an early Gothic building from the 14th century, whose naves are separated by pillar arcades. Remains of the frescoes have been preserved in the southern side aisle. In the 15th century, the central nave was raised and fitted with tracery windows, and the side naves were given ribbed vaults. In addition, the parishioners of Teaca built a massive bell tower in the west of the church, which has loopholes on different floors. In 1799, the bell tower was given an additional floor. Since 1753 the central nave has a Baroque barrel vault and to the north of the church there is now a porch. In 1828 the aisles were equipped with galleries and in 1909 the old choir was replaced by a polygonal choir.